Your ingame name: Halex00 The offender's ingame name: captianpigfan A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I asked CaptianPigFan not to go inside my ghast farm because if he did, then he would blow up the farm. He kept teleporting in there with the ghasts which blew up the tripwires. I fixed the farm then I told him to not do it again and then banned him from my island. 30mins later I went back to my farm and found him inside again which destroyed the farm AGAIN and he told me he set a warp. I do not know the name of the warp but if there is a way to remove it, I would be grateful for that. Evidence/screenshots. I do not know if griefing another person's island is bannable but I would like him to at least get a warning because he has been around my island getting in the way of breaking block, taking blocks from stone gens when I mine them, and has been a thorn in my side in every way he can think of.
I'm sorry but do you have images of telling him to leave and proof of it being your island? 24 hours to provide.
Sorry, I don't have a screen shot of telling him to stop, you will just have to take my word that I asked him because I didn't want to have my spawner blown up, but I can prove it is my island. Below is video proof that this farm is on my island.