Your ingame name: Firo3000 The offender's ingame name: Sciberboy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: No Fall hack Evidence/screenshots. Again, if the quality of video is terrible, please turn it up.
Dude you have Optifine but all that means is you wont have as much lag but it doesn't mean you wont see other players lag
I dont have evidence at all, but today sciberboy hit me very fast and also I had full health and when he hit me I had half a heart! Kill aura.
I knocked him off the building on Nether (2 seconds later) reappears on building. I didn't record it cause I wasn't looking for hackers atm, but after that happen I started to record.
Firo3000 i see you think Sciberboy hacks but that happens all the time where you can jump but your glitched and pop back up again or you can be lagging like insanely and just cant move. :P
Nope, its called research to build up your intelligence about hacks and stop commenting, I'll let the mods decided
That might have been lag on Sciberboy's side. I have had that happen to me before. Also, when he jumped, everything looked normal...
Alright, I got confused at the moment because I heard this hack which is NoFall so I got confused, since NoFall prevents fall damage. My mistake, mind locking and archiving this?