Hi there. I am a new-ish person to your server. I am playing on the regular skyblocks. I just made my shop "/warp jacko" and about 5 people came. after wards i noticed that one of my double chests was emptied out. =( Apparently someone threw a book at me in spawn a few days ago. And then from this they stole from me. it is 10:49pm PST my ign is Arysisa if you can check the logs and fix this, or at least ban them forever! They took all my pistons and readstone and cobble items. and who knows what else Thanks
Nothing now. And nothing that i remember them. I just thought it was free . but to clarify I have not ever allowed anyone to "join" my island
This is one of those hacked books. I'm sorry for your lost items but without any proof we can't do anything about banning said player for giving you this. We're already aware of this bug with the books and are dealing with people giving them out accordingly. I hope this has resolved the issue but we can't get your items back. Please keep this in mind for the future. Resolved.