Your ingame name: MiaLuvsYou The offender's ingame name: Sheeps_sheep A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The offender has somehow "banned" me from creative. Everytime I try to log on, My game crashes. This started of as me banning her from my plot in game because she spammed my plot with signs with profanity on them, in which I asked her to stop nicely many times. After that, she messaged me: "haha, have fun never getting online again >" and then my game crashed, and I haven't been able to log on since. I am not good with hacks, but I don't know if she ddosed me, or somehow banned me, I just know she did this, and I want justice for it. I bought a rank just for creative and now I cant even play because of her, and she is not getting punished for it at all Evidence/screenshots. I have none, everytime I try to log onto Mineverse Creative I crash and I cant take any screenshots. I will make a video of me trying to log on if its needed..
( By the way, I am the owner of this forum accounts sister, since forums is broken I had to post this on here)