my ign : boxjeremy player : XxXNitro21XxX ok u can Ask any player on at this time XxXNitro21XxX was Black mailing me and Threating me im on my desk top and no screen shooter i have some screen Shoots of him spaming and Sharring Links This player when Black mailing me Old screen shoots saying he will ban me if i dont say sorry i said thats ban able for usign old screen shoots , i said how old he said 2 weeks old he was lieing bec i was in Germany so there older then that and i did not make DDos threats in 2 months this player keeps saying hes going to ban me with them Even tho he Threaten other players with ddos threats i will quit this server if this player does not get banned or Temp ban for disrespecting players and i dont not Like being called Dick Sucker This makes me want to leave and if u do not handle this i Quit and me and my Friends will Leave @CypriotMerks and @fryzigg
You need evidence to report. No one will check the logs. I would love to help you, unfortunately you have given me nothing to be able to do that. I am sorry. Denied.