Your ingame name: Kawaii0ctopus Offenders name: LexieTheBunni (Tiger_p) A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: So basically this is the whole ordeal: I have a friend, IGN: WiddlePufferfish (previously LexieTheBunni) and she is god on Mineverse. She changed her name a few months ago, actually. Well, we have a bit of an enemy. His ign is Tiger_p, and he has an alt account, you see, he purposely changed his alts username to LexieTheBunni so he could submit a report saying that he lost "his" god rank. He now has god on Mineverse, and he got it absolutely free. We have proof of him admitting it on skype, I don't know if that will help, but I felt like id be better off submitting it. Evidence/screenshots.
Let me just clarify that I submitted this for WiddlePufferfish (Lexie) because since forums has been broken she has been unable to make an account. x
Nothing we can do about this sadly. You can feel free to email CypriotMerkz directly at [email protected] Only he can fix this.