ò-rate-abuse.57899/ Here we see a few things ladies and gentleman, 1: 2 Screenshots positioned in a way to make it seem like our pal @Ponyknight99 got 4 dislikes deeming it rate abuse but in fact he just positioned it that way and the times are totally off. This is making fake evidence AND a fake report. 2: He continues to quote this thread by @Krissy_ talking about rate abuse that was NEVER approved by Cyp making it invalid. He claims he can ban innocent people like @Silentó with this but as you can observe is completely preposterous. The mod @Ares_Xena even told Pony this the day before on my other report on him. 3: He continues to do this even after recieving a 1 day ban so he has obviously not learned his lesson at all. I am requesting he receives the necessary punishment of a 3 day ban Thanks for reading! ~Savage
Even with my thread it's still not rates abuse. It's easy to see it's over a period of time so not technically "fake" but mod should pick that up. So I don't think anyone is being punished at all
Yes but he put the photos together to make it seem like rate abuse. Like he did on the other thread and it also counts as a false report.
He can't really make it look like abuse if it's not. If I can see it's not than the other staff could see it. Unfortunately the nature of the forums puts photos together like that. I don't think he intentionally does it, he just provided two screenshots from his phone. Can you provide other examples please? The report may be solved without punishment but it's not really false. Remember that mods will check evidence clearly most times. I do believe this was unintentional
He just did the same thing yesterday, he put 2 photos next to each other so they seemed like abuse in the sense of the 1 hour time limit. His "protection" he keeps using is your thread which @Ares_Xena has told him is invalid. So it is a false report considering you and ares and cyp have told him that the thread is not law. He obviously can't handle ratings and anyone that judges him in any way even if it is valid ends up being reported.
Him posting screenshots next to each other is the forums fault, but he truly thinks it is rates abuse because he takes what I said at it's face value and not for the fact that sometimes even if there are 4 rates over 1 hour it might not be considered abuse. Most I can do is have a word to him about trying to separate his pictures with captions and warn him on making reports and telling him what real abuse is. I will get other staff opinion as well to see if pony will need punishment for this.
Talk to Ares, this same type of situation happened yesterday. But @Silento is less of a "troll" than herf and ringo and he gave him a dislike and Pony reported him for it. I understand the forum putting them like that but keep in mind this is still a false report. Please do have a word with pony because he has been doing this reporting spree and it is getting out of hand in my own opinion.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.