Hey mods, this message isn't from me but funmakers has sent me a message through Skype and has requested for me to show it to you guys. I know that this technically is avoiding some rules, but I'm posting it in this section so that only staff can see it. Any reply to this, I'll let him know. Anything typed below here is his words: As you probably know I was permanently banned by the moderator KingAlex. Here is the problem: the ban was incorrect. Here are the reasons why: 1. First off we alll know KingAlex receives a lot of accusations of abuse and he of course denies it. But actually he did abuse in the past by banning me for "rate abuse" on PonyKnight99. The thing is all of the ratings were neutral so this was actually a incorrect ban. I confronted him about it and he just didn't respond after 2 tries. 2. I haven't received a large amount of infractions at all. Yes I have done things in the past like swearing but this time there was no swearing. I was muted for swearing a day prior to the ban with NO warning at all and a explanation much later. I did not swear in the post that was supposedly "ban worthy" according to KingAlex. I purposely censored my self because I did not want to suffer more consequences. 3. Pony Knight was warned not to reply to my tbh thread and he did anyway. He wanted me to be honest to him. Now I do not think very highly of him because he is victimizing my friends as a pedophile and he constantly annoys me but that is besides the point. He asked me to do it I did not go out of my way to respond to him for no reason. So, this ban had no warning at all. I feel it was completely over the top and abusive. I request an apology from this moderator and complete unban. I broke no rules except possibly disrespect so please either Actually warn me this time or give me a 3 day mute or a week ban. I apologize for ItzSlay being disrespectful to you and for you guys to just not respond because she has a strong passion that let's her words go a little extreme. Thank you for reading this and I hope you can see how this was not valid. - funmakers
Lol this was vaild. He's had 13 previous warnings, the ban before was valid as he not only used neutrals but negatives too, and an insane amount . Hes had too many warnings and chances. What he said that I banned him for was atrocious and should never be said. It was absolute disrespect.
[8:48:43 PM] funmakers: 1. PONY aSKEd FOR IT 2. There were no negatives 3. I have like no warnings or infractions
He had no warning and there are no swear words in there. Like wolf said he asked for it as well. So why was he perm banned before getting any warnings?
Hes had alot of warnings lol. Plus the rules are even if one word is censored, its still swearing. Plus what he posted was disrespectful.
They only are now the rules just changed. But pony asked for him to do it and funmakers received no warnings about disrespect according to him (I just called him and asked)
The new infract system states after 3 previous bans its a perm ban. He had 11 previous bans. It was his time.
(He just messaged me this on skype) He only got the one day mute the day before from Larry for swearing so he never got the 1 day and 3 day ban... @KingAlex
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