My IGN: xSavageSlayer His IGN:Enoch964 What he did: He asked to see my pickaxe, so I let him use it for a second. He then started saying "Woah this alpha pickaxe is hacked, it's hacked you're going to get banned!" which made me extremely annoyed as he wouldn't give this back to me. I explained to him how ages ago, all alpha pickaxes were 'glitched' like mine, but he continued. Then, I said to him "Give me my pickaxe back or I'll report you." 10 Seconds later he arrived at K, and pulled off the worst scam I've ever seen. He came to K, and gave me an alpha pickaxe, not my pickaxe. This one was a new one, not an old one. He started coming desperate when I told him that 'This isn't mine, stop scamming me." He came back to k, and threw me some god armour, while he said "Sorry, I lost yours. I threw it out in L" Such an obvious lie, and such a bad scammer. Please, help me get my pickaxe back. Here are my screenshots
Unfortunately because you threw him the pickaxe he is not required to give it back. Did you happen to have any proof of where you made an agreement for him to give it back if you showed him?
Unfortunately he broke a promise, we cannot ban him for that or get the pick back. Very sorry, please be careful with your items next time
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.