Why did I get muted for a day? Nothing I posted on DJ's profile broke a forum rule. If you can view comment history on profile posts, please do. @TannerLittle I want to know why you found that comment so offensive, I said something along the lines of "He's just a developer, not a moderator, gtfo" can't remember the whole thing really.
https://gyazo.com/5000d3196ae2471b78ec91cf4047d28e I believe this is enough said to render this report invalid. Telling any staff member to "gtfo" is disrespect and not allowed.
I wouldn't look at "gtfo" as being disrespectful or an insult, all I know is, the conversation said "You have been muted for one day" It isn't my fault that I didn't server the mute. There are other players openly insulting moderators, you could have addressed them instead. If you really felt disrespected, you should have went ahead and asked a moderator to deal with it, you make it seem like you targeted me just because it was towards you..
This doesn't make sense at all. I have no problem issuing punishments whether it's towards me or another staff member, why would I make another member issue the punishment just because it was directed at me? That doesn't make any sense.
Let me explain this like you're in the second grade (No offense) You never take action if one breaks a forum rule, wether its another member insulting a moderator, or just profanity. You only decided to give me the punishment because my comment was directly towards you. Feel free to make an application here, http://www.mineverse.com/forums/moderator-applications.15/ like one of the builders has.
****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** As I stated already in the report, the infraction was deleted completely moments after it was given. OP wasn't online at the time and thus the infraction didn't even effect them at all.
Hi, Sorry for a late reply. Anyway, "gtfo" can be considered disrespect but wasn't needed as for an infraction which tanner realized and removed. I understand you are angry about this but tanner has made sure he has learnt his lesson and he will be more careful when he issues infractions. If you have any further issues with this decision and this report, feel free to pm me. Closing,