If you're reporting a moderator please make sure you have solid evidence or don't make a thread at all. If you false report a moderator just to get them demoted you will be punished. Your ingame name:Soneyburst Moderator name: Gizzbots Offenders Name: Kittycraft3497 ---------------------------------------------------------- A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kittycraft3497 has been reporting everything slightly bad or anything really that i've been saying and gizzbots has non stop even looked at what she's doing. she has said that i harass her on Skype which i haven't used Skype for over 6 months. plus anything that i may have said i was already punished for it when i was muted. As you seen in the evidence, the stuff she banned me for "disrespect" I'm not the only one that was being disrespectful and she didn't report them( I_google_plus was saying stuff as well when she was on plus others which kittycraft obviously saw cause she was in an engaging conversation with me) . she specifically has been picking me, has gotten me muted, and now banned, because i have gotten her banned before. Now gizzbots because he is her friend has been "helping" her or whatever, is another issue. he won't answer me when i need help, forum wise, or in game and has chosen to ignore me while talking to others. I was also banned for " death threats" WTF if i tell someone i want to kill them and die in a hole? I Should be able to say that because i am in a GAME. if I Kill THEM THEY CAN RESPAWN..... like seriously its not death threats its a game. if i want to slice her throat with a diamond sword? i can't do that? what do i do hit her with a stick? i don't get why i was banned for "death threats" either. i think lord_something idk what the rest of his name was i told die in a hole to him lol and he helped kitty or someone like that but thats okay. really though Gizzbots Kittycraft3497 ---------------right before i got of /op last night she messaged me saying "seriously... what did i do to make you depressed" " tell me i want to know how i made you depressed" and then told me how she's had a stroke and stuff. like i care? my grandmother died, i have amnesia, anxiety attacks, stm. ASK any other player on mineverse, /op /opfactions /skywars ,/gta ,/skywars, /kitpvp ask any of them if I'm a bad guy everyone will say good things about me. unless they have a grudge against me in game i don't do anything bad. Evidence/screenshots. she even says here that " all i think of her is a sex toy" WTF IS SHE TALKING ABOUT really!??! does she think this is like a drama show ? or like In real life or something like that?! ^^^^^ *ps. blazexstorm just called someone retarded ( BAN HIM THEN huh!? he's being disrecptpful) now look at this i even told her how i haven't skipped since october of last year i even opened my Skype to check and look! *I_googleplus is saying dildos and stuff like that seriously? she didn't report him?" cuz what she's friends with him!?! like seriously? what if he was hacking would she report him still? and then blazexstorm tries to help kittycraft cuz (he has grudge cuz I'm the only one that can kill him) and then i even repeat it to show how its not even a bad thing. seriously. if he even repeated it like wth. ------> DEATH WISHES? " go die in a hole" in minecraft is not a death wish. a death wish is " I'm going to find where you live and slice your throat in your sleep" <<-- thats a death threat. seriously. @canucksfan44 @bananaman11223 @TannerLittle @Rythen @Alex @12323emily @AgentWifi @Lola Perez @KingAlex @larrythebird101 @Ares_Xena @fryzigg @Krissy_ @MaxNinja10 @Nightfire @Nimjam @PopIs_MyLife @Prin @tin15cro @xSoulHero @Zambiana @ZeldaNinja
That is a death threat, Gizz was probably on forums when the kitty girl was saying those things.. Report them next time. He did answer you 2-3 times and you didn't even say what you needed. How is Gizz in the wrong here?
prin i know i did say what i asked for the first time i didn't take screen shots , then i told myself oh crap i should probably screen shot it but it was too far up. i was calling him for about 15 minutes. and that was the only point he responded ik ik. i should've gotten a screenie
and yea a death threat IN GAME. I'm pretty sure you can kill people in minecraft. is it like murder everytime? should i be banned overtime i kill someone? or how bout everytime i steal peoples diamonds. yea seems silly huh. when you say you wanna kill someone it doesn't matter
LOL no i don't know it obviously you can read my mind or something?! I'm pretty sure i know I'm in a video game. ^^^ read up there i typed what i would've said if i meant any death threat. but did i tell that to her? don't play this shiz with me my uncles a cop and I'm a catholic i don't want no one to die from some video game LOL you seriously think i would want that? even your annoying like SERIOUSLY THIS IS A VIDEO GAME jesus I'm not a killer
You still used a death threat.. You can't report gizz for this. Go make an appeal otherwise. It's insufficient evidence. @fryzigg @Zambiana your call.
lmao so if i said I'm going to shoot you with my pistol. ON GTA SERVER ima get banned? from that too?
yea @fryzigg @Zambiana your call i don't get what this stupid death threat thing is do you not see how silly it looks and sounds?
whatever you say all powerfull kid if nineverse has that stupid of a rule than dang i bet a quarter of the suicides and murders on the planet come from mineverse
what do you know! i have to screenshots of people i was gonna report. well i guess these people won't get banned huh. they didn't give out death threats i guess. but yeoldsquiller is gonna touch someones pee pee and zshrekt just flamed me seriously I got hurt when i saw both of these but no one did anything
Hello Soney, Firstly, I have no problem with you, but when you're going to be spiteful and target me and create false reports such as this one, then yes, I am going to not respect you. Here is what I have to say - I have stated what you were banned for in your appeal. You have decided to ignore what I said, and thus, ended in this report. Here is what you were banned for: https://gyazo.com/62dbdc1f37e6c4e7067f414271f10030 https://gyazo.com/df8c133fbac4e51bee75ba309ad8f5e0 https://gyazo.com/6a17aa59b0dd6e409ad5afb609f6ef46 https://gyazo.com/c5ce238a5053c87ea85c1ea83245373e https://gyazo.com/31703067d2ff316e432b85533584cd6b https://gyazo.com/3bcce3c2ccdc937668aef509962e22a1 https://gyazo.com/82efd278c73a3674c770eb9dd04a81e0 https://gyazo.com/f9e55ac7ed336b3ff28e9e19653e09e7 Now, this wasn't your only case of disrespect that we've been through. Here is some evidence from the last time I muted you: https://gyazo.com/1172e01384d1f0ab46825a152bd4f1ea https://gyazo.com/96eb7bde182379c2efaa12d7ddefe226 https://gyazo.com/6e175a4ef8bc68a05471b84021f09c0e https://gyazo.com/5af26b967820e0a31be51183039badfb I muted you for that. Anyway, as for them disrespecting you and others doing stuff like this, I'm not always there to stop this and punish people. You can't sit here and blame others for your actions when you can file a report just as they have. As for the GTA part, not only am I not required to help you(even though I was trying anyway), but also, you were insulting me as a mod simply for doing my job. I'm not one to punish for staff disrespect, but that doesn't give you the right to go ahead and do it anyway. This is not tolerated on the server. This was a justified ban, and you've had your chances. I don't even know Kitty, I've only ever met her through her reports, and that's it. I don't talk to her on skype, I don't talk to her on teamspeak, I don't talk to her full stop. You said these things, and now you can face the punishment. That is all I have to say.
Hi Sorry for such a late reply, I have checked all the evidence that was presented in this report and gizz had the evidence to deserve your ban.Other mods however should not be get involved unless they were there at the time of the incidents. Also the disrespect used was more than enough for a punishment. If you disagree with my action feel free to pm me. Closing.