I'M causing issues? I'm enforcing the rules because you people keep breaking them! If it weren't for your rule breaking and YOU coming after ME, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!
Wide screen is the only way to display a signature. Since he's on mobile, the signature doesn't appear since it's on Lock Screen :^)
When someone changes their profile pic it shows up on all of the past convos. If I send a convo to MeowMix and my profile pic is a cat that day but I change it to a dog it shows up as the current pic I have.
Wait so if he is talking about his bullies being useless... and you are complaining this is rude against you, essentially you are admitting that you are the bullies he is referring to? Anyway no action will be taken as he is indirectly insulting someone. It is not ban worthy, nor anything we can warn about. I wouldn't just mute or ban for nothing, but if that happened be sure to consult the mods on it, im sure they can give you insight. Just for the record indirectly insulting a group of people has never been an offense unless it contains vulgarity. If you have any other evidence that this player was unprovoked and started abusing you, please open a new report so we have handle this.