I was on kitpvp with BMANVT yestarday and immelgrim said to BMANVT that he was simonrock95 nobody can record immelgrim/simonrock because you wont get a chance without dieing please ban this player hes a big hacker and ALL MODS KNOW that
Oh while you are at trying to get him banned, try to be friendly to him so that he doesnt murder you multiple times by stabbing you 32 times in the chest, just my advice
HES A HACKER OK????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? DEAL WITH THE hacker the mods wont
? what server is he on i'll try to calm him down while you sit here and rage. No need to thank me. (by server i mean skyblock skygrid ect.)
myalt is called pieman100000 im gonna hack it back andima use every it of hackedstuff it has on immelgrim
You're going to need evidence, in the form of screenshots, videos, etc. for him to be banned. If all the mods knew he hacked they would have done something about it a while ago. If you see him hacking again, try to record or take screenshots so you can add them to this thread. When you do, make sure to use the proper format found in the stickied thread in this section.
i dont care about the account i can get this kid banned hesamajor hackerlike beast_in was he gpt banned the day he hacked immelgrim hacking for 2months AND NOT BANNED
Stop spamming this thread. I need proof of hacks in order to do anything about him. Feel free to make another report when you have compiled evidence. Closing.