I don't show respect to idiots. I am terribly sorry. @bananaman11223 would you care to squeeze the life out of this pathetic thread for me?
I'm posting cuz of "pony" Right, he reports me for "disrespect" He cries to the mods about mostly everything he reports every single player, he had my post on Taylor's profile removed for calling his gf "cute" How immature is that? Like jeez man, learn what "respect" is before you go sucking up the mods. Report me again Pony I'll make a trophy stand for it too.
Pony why do you have to report everything that happens to you? When people rate abuse me I don't report them..
Pony, I know you are agitated but unfortunately, this is not rate abuse. According to the current guidelines, neutrals do not come into account when this sort of thing happens. If you see this player rate abusing, please do feel free to PM one of the staff or make another report. Thank you for your concern and apologies that nothing can be done. Also, guys, this thread is not made to become a flame war. It is a just report that came to be invalid. Come on guys, you know better. Also, DJ, warning to be nice. Closing. Locking and archiving. Pony, if you have further issues, PM me. Thanks. PS: Larry, if you have a new rule, feel free to come forward with it and make it known. For now, we will follow the guides always used.