i asked Hannah, and she said as long as they were directed at me, it counted. i even gave the specific ratings to her
There are only 2 negative ratings there. :/ Neutral ratings are not counted as rate abuse or Thorraks would be banned for all his creative ratings. Sorry for posting. Just wanted to explain why this was not abuse. Feel free to delete this if it's deemed unnecessary. EDIT: Creative is a positive rating. WHOOPS. Either way this is a bunk report. Sorry Pony :C
No, being serious here. It is shameful and pathetic the lengths you go to report anyone who doesn't like you (which is apparently everyone). If @larrythebird101 told you this is bannable, then she lied to you. In fact, I'd love to see proof that she said that, I could make myself another staff report. Please, do something else with your life.
I don't show people I regard below me respect. I am not threatened by you. I will continue to rate you like this as I please, within a 1 hour variable.
At least I know how you reached the top negative list in a week now, you're a prick to everyone. Good luck on getting mod, oh wait, you closed your app because literately no one supported! I forgot!
If they would've respected me in the first place I wouldn't hate them. I'm done arguing, so just stop
Reality check, no one respects you other than your internet "girlfriend". I'm done with this thread. Can't wait for an abusive mod to count this as rate abuse, I'd be more than happy to make more reports <3.