Your ingame name: DoctorDistructo The offender's ingame name: quadg0d (that is a zero not an O) A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Evidence/screenshots. Just to note, I have been being called a hacker all day. By PinaColada___ Boouuu and quadg0d. Here's some proof that quadg0d was hacking. Boouuu is also known to using the metro hacked client. I'm not sure about Pina though.. I think he's just been getting worse at pvp lol. I got a chance to 1v1 quadg0d and to me at least, it looked like he was using kill aura during the second part of the 1v1. They have been 3v1ing me and Pina called hacks. Anyways, finally got the 1v1 and he was hacking just like I thought when they trapped me in the stairs. Also.. Here's some proof I wasn't hacking lol
Sorry but I cannot see any hacks here. He probably just got a good combo and hits, as when he head turned he may just have moved his mouse a bit so it looked a bit suspect, if you get more evidence please report it.
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