penetrix Wardogs He infracted me for no reason, not even providing info on the post. What grinds my gears is that he's breaking the rules by infracting me on something you mods told us isnt disrespect. So basically he makes his own rules now.
And the reason is not valid. I called kingalex incompetent. I can do that wherever I want. We went through is already with the whole elrak situation, did we not? Or do you people never learn anymore?
I have nothing to do about what happened with elrak or not, But that's staff disrespect, He got accepted towards staff by cypriotmerks, That means the owners believe he is capable of his task at hand. If you think that is not true feel free to make a topic about it. But don't call a staff member incompetent.
And whatever happened to elrak is not my issue, as I was no part of that. This is a warning I have given you on my opinion. Staff disrespect is not tolerated.
I can call anyone I want incompetent, it is not disrespect, it is my opinion. If you don't like it, I frankly could care less, don't look at my profile. Elrak was banned for the same thing, and it turned out even the staff team decided it wasn't disrespect. Good day ^=^
Then choose your words more carefull, as in not fit for the job. Incompetent is disrespect, wether its ur opinion or not.
It is not. The rest of the staff agree it's not. Ask anyone lol. You're wrong buckaroo. I don't care what you think buddy. It is not disrespectful at all. View attachment 49479 Lol, all this and you're still hard headed Wardogs411 ?
First of all I have nothing to do to what happened to elrak neither was I involved in that so I didn't know about it. This infraction comes out of my opinion that it's declared as staff respect for me. This is about you and me at the moment. Not about anything else. I hold my opinion you, you hold yours.
Offence intended, your opinion means nothing. I broke no rules under the rulebook, I couldn't care less about your opinion on what you think is right or wrong. You abused your power.
************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ decode this, jackass
It is inconsiderate to use hidden content just for the hell of it. It's against the rules, you should know that. But how poorly trained you seem to be, I wouldn't expect you to know it.
I don't see your point. First of all it was a dev who did the hidden content. Second of all i got 5 years experience. I don't need training.
Wow. You have 5 years experience on cut rate 100 player servers with no forums. I cant believe I doubted you!