I asked Alex what counted as rate abuse and she said three. So I went with that. PS. Everyone who's giving this dislikes... What exactly do you hope to accomplish? 'Cause they aren't doing anything
I am following the rules. The rules on these forums have been the same for close to 2 years now and I have been here since the beginning. You come here and think you know everything. All you do is cause trouble and make threads that don't even have a purpose.
They do indeed have a purpose. You rate abused, and I reported it, end of story. I won't be getting into an argument with you, I have more important things to do
You know what... This deserves being said. I've never done that. I never will. And I suppose people are entitled to their own opinions... But to be honest.... I've never done that.... And tbh i don't like pvpkings... So... Just. No....
100% doubt that Ninja was even trying to rate abuse. Did you notice he only disliked a majority of your posts in two threads? You acted like a jerk in the FreeElrak thread so I could see why he disliked your posts on that. If you're going to try to get him banned, you're going to have a fun time dealing with basically everyone else who also did not like what you had to say. It's very possible Pile is correct, and the max amount of dislikes can only be 4 (a day, a minute, idk anymore). But I feel this should be an exception because you did kind of deserve a lot of the dislikes and you seem to only base it off of the fact he did give you all of the ratings in such a short amount of time.
I knew I was going to get hate when I posted this, and I'm ok with it. Also, I spoke to Alex, and she said it was 3 in the time span of one hour
Can you all just wait for a mod instead of arguing even more and causing bigger rifts between you? This to me sounds like the most reasonable option, @Yoimaninja I can understand your greif and frustration however waiting for a mod is probably better than taking it into your own hands. If everyone stops fighting and arguing the person who is at fault will be picked out by a mod. If you decide to dislike/disagree with this post then it is clear that you are just trying to provoke an arguement.
I only see four ratings, two that were given at the same time, and the other two at different times. We are also entitled to our own opinions, stop abusing the report function.