Your ingame name: _Kush_ The offender's ingame name: PopIs_Mylife A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Pop banned my friend boouuu1234 for no reason on the forums. Evidence/screenshots. if you go on boouuu1234's profile and check why he is banned you'll see that there no reason. profile link : Msg to pops: if you have any reasons why you banned him feel free to post them in this report. @PopIs_MyLife @fryzigg
It was your alt, thorraks. And on top of that, you had a picture of me from one of my old instarams, which I counted as leaking personal info. The account had an appeal. The IGN was said to be boouuuu, which we all know it is your alt.
Tagging @PopIs_MyLife once again. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
also stop using hidden content, i made a report and i wanna know what you guys are saying. you shouldn't have anything to hide.
i think this is b*llsh*t that i've made a report and i didn't get any answer from any admin in a week. @fryzigg @larrythebird101 can you girls tell an admin to look at it?
Staff related things are put into hidden contact. There are some things not open to players. Hope you understand. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here. Report marked as pending. Awaiting admin assistance. During this time, we will determine if this is a true or false ban. Depending on results, the account may be unbanned. Thank you.