hs been tricking people that hes staff for mineverse and saying I need to test stuff give me ur username and password and if you still don't beleave me there is some people you can ask mastertuckers lilgino6 myself ok lets get in to this but before we start if you mods/otherstaff don't beleave me conatact me on Skype:gokujava.1 and one more thing he has been trying to scam MissPvP_ in trying to make her donate money to him and he said sense your a youtuber you don't have to pay that much and he said send ur info at this vault email for mineverse: [email protected] than she asked mrparkourguy if they had a vault he said and than adweathers threatened miss pvp if she dosnet donate shell get banned he alos claims to be a hidden mod ask misspvp lilgino6 and mastertuckers they will tell you there story and again to you mods/admins/anyother staff add me on Skype if you don't belave me Skype:gokujava.1 ok lets start he told me to make a p4 set and if I don't make it I will get banned here ill copy the meassege [3/26/2014 9:02:20 PM] Greg Mason: The protection 4 diamond armor is due today if you choose to not respond to this message and if you do not conceed this achevement then you shall sadly be banned for this reason you have til tomorrow if you can talk to adweathers/Dking12121 about this problem. If there is anything wrong with this request please talk to me over gmail at [email protected]. Thank you. also MC_Major got banned for hacking and he told me to send this email everething I knew about MC_major and gwisim and some other staff and this is what I said MC_Major: he got banned for hacking and got banned for being a hidden mod that means he hacked to be a hidden mod and got banned gwisim: he banned MC_Major Noobcrew:hes the owner than he told me that theres this bug where it cis peaples inventory and he said that he tested it out on his 18 alt accounts and he said he needs mine to test it than I said I wont give you my account than I banned him from my server and blocked him on Skype than unblocked him and this is what he said to me [4/1/2014 10:18:21 PM | Edited 10:18:41 PM] [HiddenMist] Adweathers: and by the way if you say anything about us on the server your account(s) are gone [4/1/2014 10:18:26 PM] [HiddenMist] Adweathers: -MC_Major [4/1/2014 10:18:30 PM] [HiddenMist] Adweathers: not my words so he basily said if I post something about him ill get my accounts hacked so plz ipban him
Goku if e was a scammer he would of changed all my stuff so please stfu and drop it non of this concern u so just leave it alone
he is read he comments and u its none of your bussines what im doing all of a sudden you get invlovled in my report ALSO HOW ABOUT U ASK OTHER PEAPLE IF HE SCAMS none of its my concern when he tried to get my account my tricking me btw hes trying to get evanisrads account so how about you stay out of this he told you to post this oh and btw adweathers is MC_Major I think so stfu
he is read he comments and u its none of your bussines what im doing all of a sudden you get invlovled in my report ALSO HOW ABOUT U ASK OTHER PEAPLE IF HE SCAMS none of its my concern when he tried to get my account my tricking me btw hes trying to get evanisrads account so how about you stay out of this he told you to post this oh and btw adweathers is MC_Major I think so stfu
that's you belave other people have been getting scammed by him alos ask evanisrad if you have him on Skype that's ur opnion
I wonder if he a scammer when he tried to scam miss pvp to get her pay pal ik that happened because dontchallenegeme told me everething about adweathers about he trying to get scammed by miss pvp than I just blocked him
I was being spoken of in this ban post which then makes me directly related, I do not expect to be banned. Yes, adweather did attempt to get me to email that account. He never threatned to get me banned as I am not sure where you are getting that information from. Yes, I did ask MPG & Pile about the vault thing, both of which didn't know it exsisted. He did say that since I am a YouTuber it wouldnt cost as much. He also stated that the amount of people I got banned would also affect the cost.
sure do it I may have said I know how to hack and get the hacked clients but never use them on mineverse but I clearly never said that I knew how to d dos peaple
wow i love how everyone hates on adweathers when he did nothing wrong and all of that is bs because you dont have proof, but simply whitnesses and misspvp is the only one being true. Thank you mastertuckerks for being an underdog in this fight and goku quit signing in on other people on the forms and in game.
Well, thank you for putting in the time to make this report. Unfortunately, I cannot take action until evidence is provided.