when I changed my username, I was no longer in my gang. I was the leader of the gang but now. It says im not in my gang @canucksfan44 im really stupid to not of thought of this, plus the lockette chests on skygrid can you help mods?
Sadly we cannot help with this since it is out of our capability to fix. We do not have perms to edit gangs because we do not have our perms yet and we also do not have perms to edit lockette. Please email [email protected]
I already did but I emailed them about the skygrid.. should I do a second email or wait for them to respond? Also how long does it usually take to respond? @canucksfan44
Is anyone in your gang? If so the leadership was probably passed on to someone else. For the email it all depends on the amount of emails support gets everyday.
Yes I have a pretty big gang But I did /gang info Gangstas (My gang) and it said that I was still leader (If you do it ignore the second lizardkeeper13) I think i was hacked and that's why theres 2 but that's off topic never mind that I have one officer but everyone else is a member Thanks. @canucksfan44 Also, cant Cyp Noob, or admins just join my gang, promote me and I'll be leader again?
Also Should I wait for the email I sent earlier and respond back or should I make a second @canucksfan44
Ok thank you, you may close this if you want plus I have another In Bugs/Exploits you can also close @canucksfan44
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