There's an exploit which can let ANY not a freeman get free the reasons behind this is because Free people get /tpahere and non freemen get access to /tpaccept the simplest way to stop this is patch non freemen from /tpaccepting untill they're freemen. Thanks ~OoCreeperZoO if I find anymore I will report them straight away as you know I am trying to get Mod and i've found this exploit which tbf even if I wasn't aiming for Mod would've still reported it considering it's unfair because they haven't earned it to get out.
I agree yet disagree. I think they should still have access to tpaaccept as it's easier to tp ppl to my plot shop rather than type long semi confusing directions on how to get to it. I however agree that no free person should be able to get tpd to free. The way to fix this is just world deny the ranks rather than edit the tp commands. Problem solved.
Ye I think I understand what you mean use world guard to make it so when if I tpaccepted your tpa it would pop up on my screen "You do not have access to this area" is that what you meant?
That's not a Exploit, That's a Permission that just needs to be removed. Should learn what Exploits mean .
Exploits mean a thing which you abuse to get what you want oh for example You exploited to get out of the map it's like a glitch.
how does this let people get freeman im free man? Iv only ever tped someone to the free world was to do a trade so nobody could take that stuff they then left. they can not sethome as they do not have the perms. This is not an exploit this is a privilege to people who do the work to get freeman.
It's still not fair if someone has a friend and can't be bothered to get free then everytime they wanna play and there friend is free they just tp each other out and it's unfair you should earn the privalage to get free.
Tping non free to the free is against the rules. There are many ways to trade in the prison without the risk of someone else stealing.
yes i know but taking away /tpahere from gods is no right we use it to get people to our plots fast like sco fu said
Yes we're not saying we will if you read are quotes correctly we don't want them to be taken away if you read it correctly you will understand what we said.
@legends152 please explain to me why my post was dumb. Please back up your unnecessary negative ratings with a reason rather than going around and rate farming.
This is not an exploit. I know that Free people do /tpahere people into the free world, but those people still can't /sethome or anything like that. I think /tpahere-ing people into the free world should be jail time.
I'm a little late, but i made a thread very similar ( Not taking any credit Or saying you stole ideas ) like a month and a half ago and it was ignored.