Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: anna, ierlic, directionz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect, posting offensive material on my profile and on my report Evidence/screenshots:
Because you came here to reply but it's not your fault, the people who allowed you here should see that, it's for them not for you. My screen shot was from before you were involved but haters gonna hate and they will support each other
You came on my post seeking to annoy me and you can't hurt my feelings but reporting you helps the server staff to see that you shouldn't be here since you have displayed such behavior in the past and haven't changed since.
I'm sorry What the hell is your problem? "Whats likable about you?" You are actually one of the rudest persons I've encountered on here. Back off. And think before you speak.
She came to my profile, I can't go away from my profile. You should had asked yourself that question before you post on my profile. Feel free to report me as I did if you are right I'll get punished. The only reason you can use a girly picture to give me the finger is because we are an ocean apart.
Maybe delete her comment on your profile? as you said, it is your profile, don't blame her for your mistakes.
You are not smart at all and if you are smartass it is because you are in a safe distance. Why delete it? Disrespect is against the server's rules that's why she is reported, you better mind your language before you find yourself in the report too. Im not your mom
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.