idk how he did this but GorrilaDefence16 set a warp trap! /warp newshop and somehow he hit me from all ways! he 3 hit killed me with an iron sword and i have p4 tell me if thats normal if u wanna see it for urself do it! wait for him to say "do /warp newshop new prices! and send a mod there! trust me! its soo weird! LOOK ON THE TOP!!!
Its just a warp for a new shop that has pvp enabled atm. So when ever you do /warp newshop, your dead.
I have forwarded this report to Cyp and Crew with the intention of getting the warp removed. Until then if you see people advertising it feel free to inform them of the trap, as I am unable to be in game all the time. I appreciate the report. Thank you.