If you're reporting a moderator please make sure you have solid evidence or don't make a thread at all. If you false report a moderator just to get them demoted you will be punished. Your ingame name: Moderator name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots.
My name is xxhappigamerxx I should get banned for only infection and he ban me from hub i don't have screen shot cuz I can't join and he ban me surprise
Look what I wrote above carefully and properly. If no evidence is provided within 24 hours, your report will be closed.
Wtite an appeal or supply evidence. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
You were banned for watch your language? It says on your ban message you were banned for Anti-fall. As for this I know there is an unknown glitch going around in infection making people seem like they have antifall. I have as well experienced this issue. People think it's antifall. This can come with many clients. Also can you give proof you banned from the lobbies. It says your not banned from the lobbies.
i cant join it i was jumping when i get void hit i back to the block and that makes people think i hack if u do hack why u jump why dont i fly there ....
You have been unbanned. King alex is now aware of the glitch and has learnt from this experience. Closing.