A player named fishlips22521 first stole 2 pieces of my diamond armor witness: Buntobaga next a friend of his hacked my friend and unclaimed me and his base and griefed it witness/knows: Kubasliz and kubs says it was sienathebanana who did it next fishlips then griefed the outside of a building site, i put some pics to prove it next a guy named diamondsmasher_1 or somethin like that got people ranks for trust but then stole the stuff in their private chests with a hopper minecart well um dats just about it, potato
You Have done This to Me saying F u with Dirt and Piled around my house with Obsidian -.- Also I Didn't Hack You It wasn't claimed So I claimed It Screenies:
There is nothing wrong. Fishlips claimed that land. Therefore he can keep it. That is not hacking/griefing at all. (Where is the griefing part?)
If the land is unclaimed for any reason, anyone is allowed to grief/loot chests. He didn't break any rules.