Your ingame name: glitcher726 The offender's ingame name: Bluelinkjay A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swearing at how mad they are in all caps but spamming the swear multiple times
I feel that the word "Damn" is too mild of a word to make a report of. Besides everyone "spams" in parkour because they want express how mad they are at falling.
I hate the fact that you try to get as many people banned as possible for little things like barely spamming or saying one curse word.
he said it three times and besides glitcher your banning people damn isn't really swearing the f word and s word may be be offensive and the c and racism not damn that means that he's just being a little frustrated and angry report only for more offensive words not like damn he spammed cause he was mad but that's not his fault he cant do it