I thank you for making me laugh at 2am. Notice how I hit PVP in the begging of the video, thus showing I am able to hit him and not “Kill Auraing” At the end of the video me and PVP pearl in front of you. If we where hacking we would have turned around and have hit you. Don’t have my inventory setup if you’re going to be a fag. In conclusion, Me & PvP_Forever where not hacking. We are still in a Skype call getting kicked out of your butt hurt self.
everybody knows that MissPVP hacks but they dont kick her cozs they like her :P SO BAN HER BAN BAN BAN
I'm not sure why I'm even saying anything here. I dont hack. I never have. As a YouTuber people say things because they are bad. Its called skill. Hense the Miss"PVP" Part of my name. But hey Philip, I dont see you recording William ;)
Miss shut up Philip does NOT hack I've fought him so many times and he doesn't hack we are not team but I'm standing up for this kid not you. PvP_Forever I noticed didn't hack at all. Right when the enderpearl landed you went off you hacker!
no why dont u all just shut up misspvp is awsome and she dose not hack she is just a BOSS so do not ban her
Alright. This was originally a report now everyones going psycho and blaming each other. In my opinion, I am not sure what I would do to this situation. MissPVP has never hacked in the past, so why start now? I would advise you guys to stop the bickering and grow up.