Your ingame name: mrtimmy The offender's ingame name: zKoalaPvPs and zRaviPvP A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: tp trapping Evidence/screenshots. sorry i won't use the glitch anymore, i used it only cuz i got trapped.. ;S @PopIs_MyLife @Savvy911 @canucksfan44 @larrythebird101 @fryzigg
Do you have proof of the zKoalas telling you to tpa? Also, how do I know that zRavi is in on this trap? I can't see his name in the room. @Hosselaar
zKoalaPvPS used minecraft:me and he sayed : tpa to me to fight to the death you wil die /tpa zkoalapvp come in protection 4 Use pause on 2 seconds and you see him typing that.. so i wanted to fight him to death .. but he didn't say its a 2x1 or its in a 2x1 room ... You see in the video zRaviPvP hitting me at last seconds you see his name cuz i have damage indicator you can see his hp and name you see left up zRAviPvp and zKoalaPvPs .. they are hitting me
I am sorry but he said to tp for a fight to the death meaning you were gonna fight and I can't see zRaviPvp anywhere. Closing.