Your ingame name: UncleUrnesto Moderator name: MrParkourGuy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Disrespecting Players Evidence/screenshots. Below I think that calling me an idiot is being disrespectful to me and other players. And I'm pretty sure this is against Mineverse rules. This is really hurtful especially coming from a Mod of Mineverse. I just thought that this would be in report a staff member. And being a mod who knows the rules and not following them is not right at all. He should be punished.
Lmao!! I knew you'd take this and twist it. You were disrespecting me and such... So yeah. Gg, you've gotten nowhere in your fake speech btw.
It does seem that MrParkourGuy was being rude but his profile has such a high rating that overall he is a nice guy. I think that you would have to push his buttons for him snap back and call you an idiot. You don't call someone an idiot for no reason. Still, even though you have evidence you don't give a reason why he called you an idiot.
I was just arguing that people should have consequences when they get banned, they should not be unbanned on the same day I think that they should atleast wait 2 days after their ban appeal has been accepted then we got in to a argument.
So are you saying that you made MyParkourGuy mad by saying your own opinion? Doesn't sound like him. When I said on someone's mod application that people under 13 should not become mods MrParkourGuy respected my opinion and never disliked my comment. I later found out that MrParkourGuy is under 13. You must have been rude directly to him for him to react.
I'm going to say no he didn't get mad because you said your opinion. Now what are you waiting for? Prove me wrong.
<33 Mkay. But let me just say Uncle is the biggest dickwad I know, he keeps telling me I'm bad at my job and he could do better, and all that stuff, sayin My name constantly so he gets what he needs, and I swear to ing God if he does it again I'm banning him.
MrParkourGuy I respect you and it wasn't you to be honest it was him pushing his luck it's still not very nice as Mod to be like this but everyone makes there mistakes and accidentally says stuff they don't mean I think the better option next time you should just mute him xD Btw I do understand where your coming from and why your mad xD