DaddyHF Because he is titan he does /heal ( name ) so All your potion effects disappear! I was pvping with full potions and he healed me and I lost all my potion effects This Is to OP Command Please @Noobcrew and @CypriotMerks Please Look at this and please change it You can make the player easy to be Killed Please change this To OP command Thank You - Flarey
Ok, uncle think it as this your pvping and your drinking then someone heals you, you lose all your pots!
That's the point, preparing for your battle so you can go on a valiant rampage. I pot up, and all the other decent people do.
I forwarded this thread to Cyp and asked that /heal for other players be removed. I don't know if it will be removed but I think it is unfair when pvp is concerned.
I disagree the rank cost $250 if they get rid of it it shouldn't cost that much the rank needs to be pretty op.
whats wrong with being op ? most people are and they use it to their strategic is not against the rules. if u think /heal (name) is unfair . buy titan !
I agree if they remove a this I would not like Titan. It's the fun part of the game and it is a 250 rank
If you potted up and had all your potion on would you like it if I kept doing /heal while you kept drinking over an d over again. ( potions take long to brew )
I agree with Flare Daddy has been abusing that command constantly at spawn. He loves to /heal someone right after they pot up. Its a waste of potions and he doesnt even fight after he does it.
There is NO point of factions if you can't pvp, I more than 30k on potion ingredients. enjoy titans just heal you!