Why are some of the staff abusing? like Really I seen so many reports and it happened to my friend. There been 5 videos I watched of staff members tping to people and tpaing people in. @xSoulHero. he says it was auto tpa so I looked how to make it show you can auto accept and its so funny the commanded is disabled Hum so staff lieing saying he came on bec someone reported us for scaming when I was not selling or tpaing , I was at spawn and was afk so I cant be banned for afking and why come on then? lies he says they tpaed to him? but he was on 2ed floor of his base, I taped to the player 7 times and not once he accepted So @xSoulHero who they get in then?
Just so I get this clear, taped = recorded? I just want to make sure. EDIT, fun fact, you can only see your own reports unless it is in the 'Forum reports' section. So hiw exactly have you seen "so many reports"?
Are you on about the time when I caught your friend hacking and he got banned for it? Funny how you report me for doing my job. JokePad, is the one who told me your friend had auto-tpaccept on. You trying to get a staff member demoted is quite immature because your friend got caught right handed with hacks.
Also iElric is the one who told people that I know Climax irl. When that is false. iElric later on figured we didn't.
When a moderator handles an appeal, the appealing player is given a chance to show how sincerly he apologizes, how he acts towards the moderator and so on. If the moderator does not believe the player is sincere, that the player will continue doing what he did to get banned, the moderator can deny the appeal. Which is the reason that a player is not unbanned.
Hello boxjeremy, Ok, All I see is soul doing his job. The player can appeal and it can be sorted out. If the moderator received suspicions, they are allowed to check it out. As for appeals, its like what tube said. Sorry but closing.