Your ingame name: BELIVER The offender's ingame name: Hardlineninja A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They tped a B prisoner out of prison with /tpaher Evidence/screenshots. The only evidence I have is when I got tped out I ran away and build a base. I can show you were it is and what there's in the chestes. BUT solmill7 was out there too. He was standing and they said he was filming so I shouldent scam them. (I was selling a eff4 unb3 for3 diamond pickaxe to them) They told me I should drop it first and I told them they would scam me. But because I'm such a nice person and believe the best in people I dropped the pickaxe and waited for the 150k he had sworn to give me. What I got was silly 150 and he told me he didnt scam me because he had written in the chat "150 k" and not "150k" Well. He wrote that in the chat but I'm pretty sure we both knew what the real deal was and that's why I still think it was a scam.
Second that is not a scam and what you said was incorrect i did not scam you and I did not say i was gonna pay you 150k that is a stupid amount and I am not dumb
Hardline also scammed me by saying he would give me 75k on skyblock for 75k on prison i gave him 75k but i got 75 instead
I think Hardlineninja means like ill pay 75 ok? k is short for ok so it is up to you mods i think he meant $75 so yeah
Hardline infact you should be banned because there's been lots of people saying you've tpd them out of the map and scammed em two illegal moves.
If you had screenshots, then maybe, but it's not like your a moderator that you can help with the problem...
I guess so xD but i'm just stating that a lot of people have been saying that he has been doing this so I wanted to try and help and mention it also your not aloud to post here either so let's just stop this silly arguing and wait for further information.
Haha hardline you even admit that you tped me out of the map?! And people say you have tped others out.. That's so extremely stupid! The prisoners could build them strong out there and then tp into jail with a lot of good items and sell them and get to free. I build a house out in the free. Because I could. Because you let me out. Your fault.