@CypriotMerks, parkour V is broken yet again. The sign was broken and placed back where the block would be, but the rankup would not work. I tried on two different accounts. Parkour XII is also broken: And there's no sign at the end according to MrPronounce III and IV are also broken: NOTE: III is still possible, just considerably harder since it does not have the ladder at the block I am looking at.
Look. I made this report 12 days ago, and nothing has been done about it. Myself and other players are starting to get angry at all of this. I'm going to be completely honest with you; I don't care all that much about this server. I just report hackers and report bugs such as these so players who DO care about this server can have the best experience they can have. I could say some hateful words toward the owners and developers, because they are the ones who can fix these kinds of bugs, but I won't. All I ask is more dedication towards the parkour server. Many players complain that it lags to much, things get broken too fast and they aren't fixed for weeks to come. I suggest you have a helper or someone who can fix these broken blocks and signs, because it's obvious that something else will break, and there will be weeks before it is fixed again. I want players who play on the Mineverse parkour server to have some of the best experience with parkour they will have on any other server. Do you not want that, too? If you don't, then I suggest you get rid of parkour. If you don't want your server to be the best it can be then it shouldn't be part of the Mineverse network. If you do want it to be the best it can be, then stay on top of it. I understand that the owners and developers have other important things to attend to, but seriously, 12 days has passed without this being fixed. All it is, is fixing 2 signs and placing a couple blocks and ladders. Doesn't that sound ridiculous? Something better happen soon, because if not, then hateful words will start to fly. Publicly. I don't care if I'm banned from forums, or even your server. You've done this to yourself. That's all I have to say about this. Please, fix this soon. I know this isn't your only server, and that your support e-mail is filled with hundreds of e-mails quite frequently, so I understand why you would be busy. If you are, just let me know so I can spread it to other players and they don't get angry.