Your ingame name: Fortune_X Moderator name: mineterria A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: false mute and accusions Evidence/screenshots.
You were arguing with me, I had to mute you for only 60 seconds. You were also calling @Buntobaga names with your friend _Bashyou.
arguing about what u accused me of hacking and i asked u if u wanted to c my files and u got all upset for no reason besides that fact that i destroyed u in pvp and muted me
Cody there's no point in arguing over it. From mineterria's point of view you were being disrespectful and he acted on it. It was only 1 minute. I don't really know you but I'm sure its beneath you to make a massive fuss over a minute.
Agreed MrParkorGuy. You are also very aggravating cody i dont blame minterria for muting you. Actually, i think you shouldve been muted for longer. My opinion.
I think that is either a mod or a hacked client you dont usually see these kinds of things on peoples screen
Awright..... Theres no point in arguing until you get them to believe you... mineterria muted you because he had a reason. It was also for only 60 seconds. Done! :D
Minimaps, as far as I know are allowed. This report however is over, Mineterria was in his rights muting you for such a short time for being argumentative/hostile in chat. With what came after you're lucky you can still play. Locking this, will archive later.
I don't think i'm meant to post here please tell me if i'm wrong but you could easily move your hacking folders out of there and then place them back in as simply as that.