I want to get Fnatic_Paradox demoted because he banned/muted me for no reason, please watch the videos below to see what happened. - Shows why I want Fnatic_Paradox to get demoted. Shows evidence of him muting me for no reason. Also see down below to see zDombo_Combo's screenshot of Fnatic_Paradox muting him.
You were banned for mute evading correct? Mute evading isn't allowed at all. You are evading a punishment, you tried to escape the punishment and came worse. I would still like @Paradox to post the evidence of the ban here still.. As for the mute, I would still like Paradox to explain more of this as that should of been more of a warning, if it was just that.
But I just wanted to say, if /minecraft:Me is bannable, then why does it let me do it when I am muted. I mean you guys should just take it away if I am muted so I dont mute evade on accident. I didnt know mute evading was bannable.
You were banned for mute evading. It is not my fault that you happened not to read the rules for this offence.
It's a she* And I muted you for spamming. I don't have to provide evidence of muting. You're in the wrong here.
I have evidence of me not spamming Should I post it? And I am sorry Fryzigg didnt know you were a she*.
Let's not start an argument.. Paradox has explained and this was a misunderstanding. The ban was valid and you can appeal. @fryzigg
The images down below show that I had stopped spamming after you had told me too. I only said tpa to die one more time before he muted me. In total he only gave me one warning and I had stopped spamming.
But Savvy the thing you don't get it that if I hadn't got muted then I couldn't have got banned. So please look at the evidence above.
You were warned for repeating a certain sentence/word. Paradox warned you, and you said it again. Doesn't matter if it happened only once, you still went ahead and said said it. Your mute was completely valid, just like your ban.
Firstly it's just a mute, look at what you did wrong. Whether to get 1 warning or 3, once it's said, don't start breaking chat rules again. Second: it's common sense if you are muted you don't speak. So bypassing mutes is going to be illegal. You knowingly used the command, that's your fault. Lastly staff reports are not to get mods demoted. They are for you to discuss with the mod what happened, even then, that happens in the appeal. So think more carefully about what this report is really about. Because the mods not going to get demoted over your mistake.
Hello again, I am closing this due to the report being invalid. Paradox did his job, you were in the wrong at the time. You could of just waited out the mute, it wasn't that long. I won't explain much further as other mods already explained most of it. Closing.