Your In Game Name: kev_theking47 Player Being Reported: Zombie__Creed What Did He/She Do: He was hacking with aim bot and powerhouse hit. Do You Have Proof: Yes i have him recorded...In the video he was fighting my friend Dillon232 and we planned to get Zombie__Creed banned. So we Dillon was fighting him i came in and i was behind him. Next thing you know he does a 360 and powerhouse hits me and i die. Then he runs. My friend had full prot 4 and zombie was taking 4 hearts away with one hit. Here's The Vid:
Yes it does seem like its lagging a bit like connor walton said you cant tell that much. It needs to be more clear to tell he does have Kill Aura.
You were only 2 blocks away from him. And it lagged, I saw in the video so he obviously turned around and hitted Dillion and hitted you. And you had a SWORD in your hand! So he obviously saw it.