Your ingame name: xXChris_topherXx The offender's ingame name: Bunny1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Being Mean and Disrespectful! Evidence/screenshots. screenshots Possible rules that could be in question include but are not limited to: Disrespect Flaming Cursing Advertising Can someone please stop them for being to rude! and Disrespectful to players! This is why people kill themselves!! PLEASE STOP IT!
This is sad... Can yall plz stop this if yall don't ill just hang in with all them <3 help the people who get bullied on this server :( ill do all I can to stop the mean people even though im a Commander on kit pvp ALL I KNOW IS THAT I HAVE TO POWER TO STOP THEM!! Im not trying to be mean about the mods I really don't want to but there is not one ever on kitpvp to stop them ;( I can fix that
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