1: IGN: PoolSideBanana 2: Staff: Fnatic_Paradox 3: Not Doing his job on prison. There is a player being disrespectful word other players and cussing. The Guard (Fanatic_Paradox) is not doing anything to resolve the situation. 4: evidence:
I banned the player as he was an alt of someone who I had banned earlier. I don't understand what exactly I did wrong. I can't stop him from saying what he was going to say before I could ban him.
fnatic_paradox, you were online the whole time this situation was taking place and yet you did nothing.
I actually banned him. And his 13 alts that came on afterwards. The situation took no more than 45 seconds.
one more question fnatic, why did you reply to him/her when they said "My mom spreads a lot" and you said "I'm sure she does?" completly uncalled for.
I didnt know what to reply. I just said "sure" in the manner that I really didn't care if that occurred. What else would I say to that :/
shouldn't you be more responsible as a guard? I'm not saying your not, but for the time being it seemed like it.
He is still getting back use to things. This the problem was already resolved and he did nothing else wrong. Closing.