Hello all, Today I am reporting a player who had been using glitches (Some may say) to get extra rubies, Firstly yes he was in my team however I am against anyone who hacks and or Glitches or cheats as they gain an advantage over other people and its really not FUNNY or FUN and FAIR to be honest. Now this play (Mattv52) has took reds bed out and was awarded however the little scum of a kid couldn't help but cheat and kept placing the bed back and forth to get rubies... I find it very upsetting as I die and try hard to win rounds to get entitlement rubies... I admit I did take the take out the bed a couple of times HOWEVER that was to get the bed and stop the idiots from continuing the stupidity... In total I only got 150 rubies so I would appreciate it if you would detuct that from my account please IGN: DanTDMZ Whoa re you reporting?: Mattv52 and Oliversden Reason?: Matt for glitching and Oliver was helping and was also participating in the activity. Proof?:
They were on my team, They somehow found a gltich and kept placing the bed and then broke it to get rubies continuously.
As this cannot be fixed by moderators, I am tagging people who can solve this issue. @CypriotMerks @TannerLittle