Hi Its Puma And I COuldnt Seem To Find Sky-grid So I Used SkyBlock I Just Wanted To report lego_batman_1 For Griefing Of A Sort I Dont Know If It Is Breaking A Rule But My Friends Told Me To Anyway. Lego_batman_1 Came To Grid And Spawned 6 Silver Fish And Let Them Grief While I Had To Fight Of The 3 Cave Spiders He Spawned :/
Needs evidence.. Sorry, and when you went to use your portal to go to Sky Grid, was it the Sky Grid block thing there?
1st. Please use the required form. 2nd. Griefing isn't against the rules, and there is nothing we can do about it. Sorry... ;-;
Use the correct report form here: Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots.