Your in game name: iMac20II The offender's ingame name: Ryan2624 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ryan has been using hacked armor I have video rpoff on my desktop please add me on Skype edwin.tang4 And i WIll send you the video because i cannot upload it for some reason Thx iMac20II
I can't upload... It won't let me cos my computer is stupid. MInd contacting me on Skype so i can send the video?
Mind unbanning me from kitpvp some mod i told him the check someones ender chest for he has hacked armor idk his gin but i think he is protecting zSimplicity from a ban I would like to be unbanned cos he banned me. Thanks
I banned you because you went off on me after I had already checked their items, including their inventory + enderchest. You then proceeded to "threaten" to get me demoted by talking to Cyp, when I can assure you that, that will not happen, as I was following the rules of being a moderator. You can appeal whenever you want and we can talk about you getting unbanned there.
U ban me for asking you to check someones ender chest? U accuse me of disrespect? And telling you what to do? I believe you are hiding him fro hacked armor. People have complained about it. I know of a few mods who have been hiding people and armor and i do not like how many are. You say you cannot check peoples chest and then you tell me you did. You just go over what you say one thing you say leads to another
I did check his items and I can. I already answered this question, I would not and have not ever protected someone from breaking the rules. I have been a moderator for Crew + Cyp longer than MV has even been up, do not question my loyalty to this server and the admins/owner. You disrespected me for no reason out of no where. You can appeal. Case closed.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.