My IGN: TrevorCross999 Offermder's Ign: Lone_Griefer Im not sure if this is bannable or what, but this player has been DELIBERATLY setting me up. He has tp killed me, ban set up, ect. Today we played in a personal server, in which is modded and hacked ect. He basically said he'd DDOS me and hack my ip and crap if i didnt use my client from there on the main sever we play on. So of course, i, at first, say no. But then as we go keep playing, he starts the DDOSING. He keeps it going only taking breaks to tell me to do it. So after about 15 minutes of this i fiannly crack when my mother yells at me for screwing with the internet and to fix it. So then of course i get banned by him. SO here i am getting Ddosed as i right this by him, with several visuses coming onto my computer, pop ups, and all kinds of crap... and on top of it all, im banned. :/ So this is great. Evidence: Shows him atdmitting to it as i accuse him stated in the above.
[11:36:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Lone_Griefer: Do it or ill keep ddosing u [11:36:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TrevorCross999: Dude, plz stawp. I dont wanna get banned again [11:36:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Lone_Griefer: I dont care. [11:36:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TrevorCross999: Wasn't getting me banned once good enough for you? [11:36:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Lone_Griefer: Nope :P I hate u [11:36:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TrevorCross999: im serious, if i get banned again, i probably wont get unbanned [11:36:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Lone_Griefer: Isn't that the point? to get u banned? [11:36:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]TrevorCross999: Dude, my mom is yelling to fix my internet/router plz stawp [11:46:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]Lone_Griefer: LMAO! No, use your client or i keep Ddosing u.
That is the chat Log^ from the private server. He delibretly hates me and wants to get me banned through extreme force. Plz unban me. I didnt do anything wrong. I was set up and am really sad that he is still, at this moment Ddosing me.
********************************************************************************************************************************************** Uhh I don't understand this report, was he on mineverse or a private server that Lone had? Lone saw his ip and ddosed him? We can ban for that um? I'm so confused.
********************************************************************************************************************************************** private server
How this all started was if we should put a plugin in our server, which we both strongly disagreed with eachother on. It esclated until it got to Ddosing me and getting banned :/
What we are trying to say is that this ddos threat happened on another server not mineverse. I'm truly sorry you got banned but we cannot ban the person because this happened on your and Lones private server.
Is there any way i can get unbanned without having to w8. Because i know that if i make an appeal, that ill probablly have like a 1-2 week ban. I find this really unfair as i was blackmailed into doing this
Why would you have to wait? I do know that you got banned more times but that doesn't mean you will wait for a long time.