Your ingame name: Placinq Offenders in game name: Savvy911 Reason of Report: I was muted for 2 hours for saying to savvy911 that she abuses (shown in screenshots). I'm not making this thread to get her demoted, Morley to either get un-muted, or she is taught properly. Evidence:,ZLDcNG5,0RXy7OK,dVH1cJW There are 4 screenshots.
**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************So I'm guessing he doesn't know that he was reported... There was an entire backstory to all of this. He wasn't muted for saying that I abuse. He was extremely disrespectful to everyone in-game, so I warned him. Then he continued, so I kicked him. Then I muted him for 5 minutes when it kept going. Then, he was reported for msging someone a bunch of disrespectful stuff, and I had to mute him for 2 hours..
**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************do you have proof of it?
@canucksfan44 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Wouldn't it be leaking to show him the report?
She's a terrible mod. She muted me for saying "stfu" to 3 kids who kept saying "Placinq is a fajit". I felt harassed. I say one thing and she mutes me. She clearly does not know what she is doing.
That's not true. I gave you a warning , then I kicked you, then you received the mute for continuous disrespect to me and the players on the server. And what makes you think I didn't handle their side of the argument?
Sh1t is not word nor a curse. It's impossible to say "" (sorry for saying that), so clearly I didn't say that. But yea, I do recall saying dipshit I'm guessing it's a coincidence I muted after I call her a bad mod? She could've atleast told the 3 harassing kids to stop.
You didn't say anything to them. Even when I asked you THREE times! Also earlier that day you were talking in chat while some randy spammed "Placinq is eZpZ, very bad at pvp" atleast 30 times!