Hi. Etokens where down for 3-5 days and whilst that happened i realised that my explosive didn't work and now etokens is fixed my explosive still wont work so is this something that a mod can do or cant. It is not a duped pick i got it in a common voter crate when they were possible to get and had it ever since and adding explosive. My pick is a 'old' Lycoan with 512 Explosive, 277 efficeny, 275 fortune, 275 unbreaking Here is proof i have it: Thanks Nathan
As far as I know, they either disabled explosive completely or it is glitched because of an update or something like that.
I have 2 picks as well that no longer hold the explosion level stated on them. I'm not sure what caused this for some players. @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew I have also relocated this to a more fitting section.