YOUR ingame name: Circlings The offender's ingame name: Savvy911 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Picking favorites and abusing Evidence/screenshots.
Savvy911, 1) He told me all you said was try not to get in trouble... and you really shouldn't try to convince me over a report as I will get more proof from FastSex on you abusing and favoriting... Also, I got muted for expressing feelings, after literally saying the f word, he wasn't punished. These ss prove it.
I will like @Savvy911 to reply again and have a further investigation before a final decision can be made.
Here's what happened: Circlings began to spam the chat with #Savvy4Demotion as soon as I logged on to the server. I /msged him to stop spamming. He continued to be rude, so FluxNinja stood up for me and told him to back off. Eventually, they got into an argument. Then, FastSex decided to join the argument. Flux got really upset and said f**k. That was when I gave Flux a warning to stop. He stopped immediately after that. Then, FastSex got really mad because I muted Circlings for 5 minutes for continuing to argue with me and Flux. Then when Circlings got un-muted, they started to act up again. So, FastSex messages me: "Are you f**king retarded?" and a ton of other terrible things... So I muted him for 2 hours. Eventually, I had to leave for an orthodontist appointment. That's the whole story. Circlings reported me here because he thought I hadn't punished Flux enough, but in fact I had. If Flux had continued, he would have been kicked/muted/etc. He only said one bad thing. That's why I was reported here. EDIT: I didn't say "don't get in trouble" to Flux. I said "This is a warning. Stop disrespecting. players." He may have re-worded it. Also, me and Circlings are friends now. This was from the day I got promoted. :p
Can you show me evidence this here, you can get it from your chat log. If not for possibly transferring reasons. I will continue looking further into this.
I will be able to organize some screenshots that I have taken once I get on my computer. Luckily I haven't cleared my trash lately
Sorry, I wasn't able to be on my computer long. It's morning for me now and I'll have to get them either in 40 or so minutes or after I get home from school.
Hiya Circlings, From the evidence that both sides have provided, you are allowed to express your opinion but you need to do it in a manner that is respectful from what I can see, this came out as disrespect. Savvy is still getting use to things and is still in training however but I also believe from the screenshots flux could of got a harsher punishment. Circlings from what I can see, she wasn't abusing or picking favourites but she has been warned about how she has talked to players and worked on that. Hopefully savvy has learnt from this. Thank you for your report. Closing.