.. Daddy's Skype name is: SavedInfo, go to the gyazo website (mods only) and see what should be done about this. The second photo, is troycarz confirming that that is daddy's Skype name. If there is nothing done about this incident, it means that the moderating group is failing to complete their duties. This shouldn't be happening. My ign: legends152 Offender's ign: DaddyHF Evidence below.... Please only moderators see what's on this website. It shouldn't be shown to other people on mineverse. Go to the gyazo website :/
I don't really want to say this, but go to the gyazo website and see what it is. I'm warning you that other people on the forums shouldn't see it.
Alright, you are reporting him for activities outside of the server. By being in a skype conversation with him you are subjugating yourself to his personality and lifestyles outside of his moderating duties. He didn't present this to you in the game in any way, nor under any official capacity to serve the servers. This report is very un-needed and quite invalid.
You did it with people apart of mineverse. Plus, do you think you would like to have a guard who does that on your server? I wouldn't. There is a legit example of how Laura_or_is_it got demoted because of what she said on another forums. This should apply to all moderators, therefore having something done about this situation. This an irresponsible thing to do, and I am reporting this staff member, because he showed an innapropriate picture. Even on skype, I don't think this should be allowed, with players of the mineverse community at LEAST.
You may have no posted that on mineverse, but this shouldn't be allowed. You was the person who convinced me to look at it even though you didn't tell me...
This is proof that DaddyHF isn't trustworthy. It is irresponsible that he is joining calls with players on mineverse, and showing them pictures that shouldn't be shown. plus, it wasn't me talking in the skype chat, I wasn't having a conversation with him. Daddyhf appears to be a untrustworthy guard, and has 3 staff reports against him. If we had proper staff at mineverse, something shall be done about this.
Wanna see my point of view on it? Most people give bad reports on him. they are faulty and un-needed. You guys have it out for a good guard and I'm tired of seeing it. I don't get fired from my job for eating at another restaurant or telling someone that another place is a better place to eat at. There is no difference. You all like to get on the staff's skypes and chat with us so you can have someone to cry to when things aren't going your way, but you fail to realize that skype isn't our server. We aren't required to act in any particular way. Oh, and the bit about Laura. Those issues are something that was personal to the owner of the server. If my boss was told that I was slandering him in public, I'd be fired... Simple as that. Laura's demotion here was due to an issue with her and Crew, not to be confused with anything else. So yeah... This is over, he has done nothing wrong and we have no reason to bring this any further up the chain of command. P.S. Before you call favoritism, I barely know Daddy, I've only seen him a few times in game. I don't give a crap about him beyond the fact that he does his job and that he does it well. Thank you for your time.
This post is about daddyhf being irresponsible. (Of course you have something to say back) This IS probably favouritism aswell, since you are guard with him.
Wow, so your letting this act of irresponsibility pass? Omg I wouldn't use someone who sends innapropriate things to a group of younger people as a guard or moderator on my server.
"Eating at another restaurant" this doesn't apply to the situation here, daddyhf also uses hacks, swears and just isn't good for a guard. He asked me to buy supreme for him. Even I am more mature than he is...
You know. I been here for a long time. I do my job. I do my work and put my time, Passion, everything into Mineverse Prison. I love Prison and love working on it as it was a lots of fun to do so. I enforce the rules and kids will be upset and mad I jailed/banned/ them and they make a report and try to get me demoted. I been here for 1 month and I can say I am tired. I am tired of listening to everyone saying I abuse. I don't abuse I do my job and enforce like I am suppose to. If you do not have someone who Enforces the rules do you have any idea what's going to happen to the Prison? It's going to be corrupt people will break all the rules if I am not on. Hell hardly any moderators come on the server to help only at Night I really see it. I put my time into my server and when I can get on I do. I stay on, When I wake up I come straight on MV and when I need to go to sleep I do. And I do that process over and over. If you want me so bad demoted or in trouble I really have no clue why you would have such a anger or anyone would with me. I am doing my job and helping the server out. Once I am demoted then you will be wanting someone be on all the time and such. Now if only you recorded the conversations we had in Skype then that would be interesting. I was in a Call with not just you but others we were all having a fun conversation I talked about what I saw that image on and then laughed and since someone wanted to see also I put it in the Skype chat. I can't Force you to look at anything I can tell you to do so but you are you own person and I can't control you. Also just a FYI, Me talking in Skype is no way affiliated with Mineverse or what I say in Skype. It can't be hold accountable to me unless other legal issues. My point is I said something in the chat you didn't have to click you report me for every little thing I do wrong so I get demoted. I love my job once again, I call it a job because I do everything like a job on it. So I am sorry if I offended you or anyone of what I did to you in the past or present so I hope you can forgive me for that. But understand I enforce and you won't break me going up and posting these reports. So have good day and good luck with this report.
There were other prison players, in the skype call, that probably wouldn't want to say anything about it : solmill7, OhhGlaze.
What are you trying to say here? That you are a worthy guard? That you would be the only good guard? I think there would be a few more people guard if crew or cyp actually made some more. Some people that would be suitable: scofu123, maybe rising or king breaker? If I recorded what you said on skype, you would hear, that you were encouraging me to look at the picture, but didn't tell me what it was.
Tell me how to explain it. Lol. Also I personally think ScoFu13 would be pretty good as Guard he is very good.