Your ingame name: glitcher726 The offender's ingame name: rurifiedbws A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Fly Hacking Evidence/screenshots.
That really doesn't show much... It looks like he fell into the void with his pants in his hand... :/
Guys lets be honest what's the chances of someone taking multiple of someone in mid air in different positions?
He could have just taken screenshots quickly by spamming the F2 key as the player fell, the positions aren't very different. And by the way, no it isn't, he's a he.
To me, It looks like Puri is falling. Infection has a plug in that automatically kicks the player it susspects is flying. I think the hack you are looking for is called glide. Either way, there is a bug in the program that some times makes a player appear somewhere else than where they actually are, and this happens almost constantly threw out the mini-game. This could be one of those times.