Your ingame name: leggomaster1 The offender's ingame name: scorvix A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: getting more arrows that his prestige gives him Evidence/screenshots PS this screen shot is on winter so there is no way he could of done the trapped chest glitch second screenshot is of his rank the work armors is meant to be arrows (dang autocorrect)
*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Zombies can't get golden apples ;P
****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Are you sure he is zombie ? He can be human
***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************You need to ask him for that not me lol Sorry for hidden content, he are just making sure is the guy who you are reporting a human or a zombie?
**************************************************************************************************************************************'' Night, and Tin isn't there droppers or dispensers there? He could have been a Msgt or something when you get a Golden apple and arrows, he could have put his armor/stuff in there, suicide 1 more time, put it another golden apple and arrows, then the time ran out he suicide become a zombie, went to the dispenser, took out the bow/arrow and golden apples. This is just what could have happend. I'm not sure if there is dispensers at Winter.
the proof is he is sgtmaj and he has no extra armor or weapons in his inventory like he normally would
Apparently, there is this glitch where humans put their staff in their craft area in their inventory, then when the turn into zombies, they can glitch the stuff and take it with them. This is what must have happened, but I'm not sure if it's allowed or not...