Your ingame name: Philip320 Moderator name: MrParkourguy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I went afk in spawn MrParkourGuy were online. I was teleported to a room and became leech Act in the room. apparently was mrparkourguy the only one who could telportera me there. Evidence/screenshots. I got nothing I got kicked from the server and almost died with my IV due mrparkourguy.
You must have Evidence to report a Staff Member so this report is not valid until you post valid proof.
Please read this before reporting mod: If you're reporting a moderator please make sure you have solid evidence or don't make a thread at all. If you false report a moderator just to get them demoted you will be punished. Your ingame name: Moderator name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots.
Hi Philip. When you say /tphere are you saying it like that command? The command where he tp's you without you accepting the request? Because /tpahere requires you to accept. As mods I'm pretty sure(unless it was just added) we don't have access to /tphere
tphere was added to kit pvp at my request, so the command is available. However that is not proof enough of the incident for myself or the admins on the staff to believe the claim. We get too many users wanting us demoted for this and that to take any report seriously without solid evidence.
Good to know it was added. LOL Unfortunately Philip without proof we can't help you. This thread will have to be closed. If you have an issue again with another staff member please remember the evidence is crucial to solving the report. I am sorry to hear about what happened, but I am glad you were not killed. <3 Closing.